Monday, October 30, 2006

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD: Listen to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD: Listen to Lose Weight

In the two decades between 1980 – 2000, the percentage of overweight and obese people has continued to rise. In Australia, for example, the prevalence of obesity increased from nine per cent to 17 per cent in men and eight per cent to 20 per cent (that’s one in five) in women.
According to a 2004 study, by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, in the United States alone, more than 64 per cent of adults older than 20 years, are overweight, and more than 30 per cent - that’s nearly one third - are obese.

Being over-weight generally stems from habitual eating habits. It’s basic physics, when you input more energy into your body than it needs, the excess is stored as fat. If you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. If you eat more calories than you burn, you put on weight. If you keep on feeding your body more energy than it burns, you will keep on putting on the excess energy as fat.
Exercise is the best way to burn calories.
Hypnosis will help you to shift your thinking so that you begin to automatically make better food choices and become more active. Weight loss hypnosis can help you adopt the right mental attitude towards shedding those pounds or kilos.

Hypnosis can encourage you to lose you taste for fatty ‘junk’ foods, to ensure that you ‘feel full’ soon after you start eating. It can train you to no longer have an appetite for fats and to ‘eat like a thin person’. Hypnosis can help you properly visualise yourself as you really want to be and can synchronise you conscious and subconscious to work as a team in helping you shed your excess weight.

You can be induced to actually crave healthy food, to speed up your metabolism and to enjoy daily exercise. Your subconscious can accept suggestions that make you lose your taste for salt and increase your desire to drink water, which is a fundamental requirement for better health.

Ross Storey is an experienced Public Relations & Marketing Consultant, Editor and Writer who has a life-long fascination with health, weight management - - and the human mind -

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hypnosis and Weight Loss - the New Frontier or A Parlor Game?

If you are like most people, the first thought you have when you hear the word hypnosis is that of a magician making someone bark like a dog.
The word “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek word hypnos, which means sleep, although hypnosis is not a state of sleep. Hypnosis is in no way a new practice. Stone carvings of sleep temples have been found dating back as far as 1000 B.C.
Hypnosis is nothing other than an altered state of consciousness in which a person is guided with suggestions. No, the hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. You must understand that all of hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The only way you can be hypnotized is if you are willing to be.
The hypnotherapist does not take control over you. You are in control at all times. When you’re in a hypnotic state, no matter how deep, and given a suggestion that would be against your will, morality or religious beliefs, you would do one of two things. You would either reject the suggestion and let it go or come completely out of the hypnotic state and challenge the hypnotherapist. The hypnotherapist cannot force you to do anything against your will. You must want to do it.
Hypnosis, in the 21st century, is more widely used by those in the healing professions, such as doctors, dentists, psychologists, chaplains, pastors and social workers.
Now, when it comes to weight loss, you know the drill - to lose weight eat less and exercise more. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. You have heard this a thousand times.
But is this what you really want to know? Of course not, your real question is "How do I actually make myself eat less and exercise more?"
By wanting to - sounds simple doesn't it. But did you know that if you have resistance from your subconscious mind you cannot control your conscious desires?
No matter how much will power you have or how much you really want to lose weight, if your subconscious mind is not on board, you will not be able to lose weight. Control your subconscious mind and you will lose that weight. By learning how to control our feelings, then you can control your behavior.
You see, when it comes to your preservation, protection or procreation, your subconscious mind may have its own ideas that don't support your conscious ideas. When this happens, you are unable to achieve your desired result, no matter how determined you may be.
Proof? Well, for one thing, you would not be overweight - you would just decide to loose weight and keep it off - right?
Now, how do you get your subconscious mind to change its thinking? How can we control our feelings and change our behavior? Self-hypnosis.
Remember, as stated above, the hypnotherapist cannot make you do something you do not want to do. With the correct application of self-hypnosis, you can take control of your weight where every other approach failed.
You see willpower, which is your attempt to consciously control your subconscious just will not work. By the use of self-hypnosis, you can change your subconscious mind, bring it into agreement with your conscious desires and achieve your weight loss goals easily - just as easily as it was to gain weight.
Once you take control of your attitudes and feelings, a whole new world opens to you. So many problems we experience in life are self-reinforcing cycles. Addictions (smoking, drinking), relationship problems (arguing, fighting), success and failure (procrastination, lack of confidence) and more are all behavioral responses buttressed by emotions and subconscious attitudes.
So, is hypnosis a parlor trick or a legitimate treatment? If you want to lose weight, stop smoking, etc., then hypnosis will work - if you don't it will not. A parlor trick? Only if you want it to be - you see, you are in control of your mind, hypnosis just helps you reach your subconscious mind to get it on the same page as your conscious. But only if you want it!
Hypnosis changes the subconscious mind, brings it into agreement with your conscious desires. Once you are subconsciously motivated to lose weight and keep it off, you will.
Control your mind and the world is your oyster!
Valerie Slaughter, a veteran marathoner herself, runs a beginner marathon website and is the author of "You Want to Do What!?" For articles, tips and more information about how to stay fit, healthy and lose weight, visit:

Hypnosis and Weight Loss - the New Frontier or A Parlor Game?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why Weight Loss Hypnosis Is So Effective

Why Weight Loss Hypnosis Is So Effective

While we are never happy with its presence on our hips, fat has earned its high place in the cuisines of the world due to its luxurious, satisfying taste, its richness, and its capacity to satisfy our appetite.
A great many chef's would never agree to cook without it, in fact, quite a few would consider butter and cream as the backbone of fine cuisine.
People know that the low fat diet, and a truly satisfying diet are not equals. Just consider the expression, “he eats like a king.”
Was the mental picture it produced of a rather dry-skinned, austere-looking fellow wearing a crown, and munching on a carrot? I doubt it! More like munching on a leg of mutton.
The scrumptious taste fat provides in our foods is probably the main reason more and more people tend to become overweight. Much like a young child, we tend to want to eat what we like, and not what we should.
With this in mind, many weight loss programs, and diet pills have been developed to help those people who are unhappy being overweight.
Among the many effective weight loss programs available in the market today, weight loss hypnosis ranks second only to a regular exercise program, and a balanced diet. Weight loss hypnosis has been considered as one of the most efficient weight loss programs ever created.
Experts say that one of the reasons why people become overweight is that they binge on food, have compulsive behaviors, and engage in emotional eating. Health professionals say that all of these things have something to do with what people think, and not just the way they eat.
The point is that people will sometimes act according to the personal opinions they form in their mind. Consequently, their actions are the result of whatever opinion they have. It's almost as if they are trying to justify what they are thinking based on what they will do next.
It is this type of thought processing that leads health experts to believe that weight loss hypnosis can be very effective. Clearing the mind of those opinions that have anything to do with compulsive eating, emotional eating, or binge eating, can be very beneficial in helping with weight loss.
Weight loss hypnosis, will allow you to control your body’s mechanism as well as it's psychological management. Experts say that through hypnosis, the mind gets a tremendous meditation of thought and awareness.
When people are hypnotized, their minds are open to the so-called "suggestions". These suggestions are actually concepts that are embedded straight into the thoughts of a person.
Experts also agree that if people were taught to control their thinking, it would be easier to achieve the desired results. Whatever the desired results are, they are best embedded in the individual’s mind during the hypnotic stage.
For example, if weight loss is desired, actions and concepts regarding losing weight must be instilled in an individual’s thoughts through weight loss hypnosis.
Weight loss hypnosis, allows experts to contend with certain behaviors that greatly affect, or influence “weight gain.” These would include binge eating, emotional eating, and compulsive eating. Recommendations on how to stop these weight-related behaviors are instilled in the mind through weight loss hypnosis.
Why is weight loss hypnosis even necessary? Simply because most people do not accept the reality that they are overweight, or because they are already hook with unmanageable weight-related behaviors.
For instance, a person who is extremely pressured with stress may tend to ease their stress by eating chocolates. Without knowing, or in any way being aware of it, they are already gaining excessive weight from all those fats and calories. If a person is unable to realize their emotional eating habits, they will continuously add to their weight problem.
With weight loss hypnosis, suggestions on how to stop this particular behavioral problem can be very helpful.
It is a fact, that an individual’s mind can greatly help control and manage weight gain. As long as the mind has been managed and programmed to stop certain weight-related behaviors, weight loss is easy to achieve.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics. To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
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