Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lose Weight Using Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is where a person enters a state of total relaxation where the body is relaxed and the mind is quieted. A person who is hypnotized experiences a relaxed state of focused concentration. If you were to view the brain wave activity of the mind while it was hypnotized you would see the activity similar to that of when you are about to enter sleep. During hypnosis the mind is open and receptive to suggestions. Being hypnotized is a very relaxing, refreshing and pleasant experience. Is Hypnosis Dangerous?

In a word the answer is no, hypnosis is save and very natural. You may not realize it but people go in and out of hypnosis naturally every day. If you are immersed in something such as watching a movie or deep in thought you could be in a hypnotic state. People enter hypnotic states several times a day and this usually occurs during periods of intense focus. Athletes often describe this as being in “the zone”. Hypnosis is not about mind control, it's about releasing repressed potential locked away inside of you. Hypnosis allows you to remove the blocks that keep you from accessing your unlimited potential and give you the opportunity to become all you were meant to be.

Why Am I Overweight?

Being overweight is not about eating the wrong kind of food or eating too much. Being overweight has a much deeper cause. Being over weight is an inner reflection of how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Often people who are over weight have deep inner fears and they use the weight to protect themselves. The excess weight represents a shell of protection from the outside wall. Unless you get to the root of your weight issue, all the diets, drugs or surgeries cannot help you. They may work in the short term but ultimately you will regain the weight. Your outside world is a reflection of what's going on inside. Hypnosis can help you to shatter those false ideas and fears that keep you chained to your excess pounds.

How Can Hypnosis Help Me To Lose Weight?

There are many different ways hypnosis can help people who are overweight. I will focus on hypnosis recordings because they are readily available, inexpensive and most importantly they can be listened to over and over again. Seeing a professional Hypnotherapist can be very helpful with the extremely difficult cases but most people can do just as well by using hypnosis recordings. Hypnosis recordings can focus on many different aspects of obesity. I have listed just some of the way hypnosis can help you to lose weight and create a healthy body.

-Hypnosis can revel and heal your inner turmoil that drives you to remain heavy. Sometimes we are aware of why we are overweight. We might have been abused as a child or perhaps we did not receive the love we required as we were growing up. What ever the cause hypnosis can bring that darkness into the light. Once reveled, it can be forever healed.

-Hypnosis can instill the determination, self-confidence, and fortitude you need too see you though those times of temptation and eliminate the weakness that has foiled your weight loss attempts in the past. Hypnosis will develop a deep belief that you can be successful, that you should be successful and that you will be successful.

-Hypnosis can create desire in your mind and taste buds to change the kinds of foods you desire. Hypnosis can be used to condition you so that you will be repulsed by unhealthy foods like chocolate and replace it with the desire to eat healthy foods. You will desire and deeply enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables and cool refreshing water. These new eating habits will support the healthy body you desire.

-Hypnosis can instill within you the desire and joy of exercise. You will crave good health and you will do what is necessary to take care of your body. You will look forward to exercise and you will feel good during and after you workout.

If you truly want to lose weight give hypnosis a try. Even if you have failed many times before hypnosis can give you the edge you need to succeed.

For additional articles and products on improving your health, wealth and relationships please go to Unlimited Destiny at hypnosis

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Fat is among the main ingredients of most popular cuisines in the world. While the experts emphasize that fats can pose risks to one’s health, there are undoubtedly many individuals who still enjoy the taste of it. The expert chefs prefer to cook with the presence of fats in their delicacies. For individuals who follow a strict diet since they are on weight loss training, eating food with fats is a big NO NO for them. Fats are among the major culprits as to why several people suffer from overweight. Overweight affects not only the old ones but the young ones as well.

With this pressing issue on overweight, various diet pills and weight loss programs came to be developed. Weight loss hypnosis is among the programs which are likewise sold in today’s market. In truth, weight loss hypnosis is rated to be in the second place compared with the typical balanced diet and exercise programs. To add feather to its cap, the weight loss hypnosis is believed to be one of the most proficient weight loss programs ever thought of.

The health experts believe that being overweight is caused by too much addiction to food. One’s emotion usually affects the appetite. They further believe that the thoughts which get formed into the minds of the people have a great influence on their actions. It goes to mean that individuals act depending on the opinions that they have in their minds. They always seek to justify their own actions since they conform to the ideas that they have in their minds. This mind processing is proven to be of great help when it comes to the efficiency of weight loss hypnosis.

What is weight loss hypnosis?

Weight loss hypnosis is a sort of training that allows you to have a full control over your own body’s mechanisms and the proper management of certain psychological factors. It is through hypnosis that one’s mind goes on an in-depth meditation regarding awareness and thoughts.

Weight loss hypnosis is all about clearing the mind with negative thoughts and programming it to become open to certain suggestions .These suggestions become embedded into the regular flow of thoughts of an individual.

What are the advantages of weight loss hypnosis?

If the individual is able to have full control over his mind and thoughts, it is relatively easy to get the exact output that he so desires to get. It is through the stage of hypnosis that the thoughts which are connected with weight loss are embedded into the mind of the person.

Weight loss hypnosis is only to be done by the professionals. It is because these health professionals are capable of contending with the particular behaviors which contribute to gaining weight. In the course of the weight loss hypnosis session, some worthy recommendations are instilled into the mind of the person so that emotional eating, binge eating, compulsive eating, and other related concerns will be shun away.

Why is there a need for weight loss hypnosis?

Weight loss hypnosis is very much applicable for people who are in the denial stage that they are in fact overweight. There are times when they cannot accept the truth so they pretend that everything is alright. Weight loss hypnosis will hence condition their minds with regards to their real situation and will instill in them the proper ways to solve their dilemma.

Please visit us at for more great weight loss and body building secrets

Saturday, November 25, 2006

What Everybody Ought To Know - About Hypnosis and Weight Loss

What the heck does hypnosis have to do with weight loss? Do images of a night club act come to mind? Someone "barking like a dog" on stage and doing whatever the magician (hypnotist) says?

Whatever your impression of hypnosis may be, you may be surprised to learn that as an alternative treatment for everything from pain to stop smoking to weight loss, hypnosis is being used in medical institutions to help manage these conditions.

According to Jean Fain, a psychologist who uses hypnosis at Harvard Medical School's Cambridge Hospital, "The country is getting fatter and fatter, so different weight loss methods are getting more attention."

O.K... how does hypnosis work? First, you must remember that no one can make you do something that is against your will. Alternatively, hypnosis can help you master your own states of awareness and can affect your own bodily functions and psychological responses.
According to Gary Montgomery, president of the Society of Psychological Hypnosis and Division of American Psychological Association, the hypnotic state is defined as a state of focused concentration, much like being so absorbed in a good book that the outside world seems to fade away. During this state, you become more open to suggestions.

During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused and attentive, your blood pressure and heart decrease, and certain types of brain wave activity are altered. You will feel very at ease physically, yet fully awake mentally. This has been called the “trance” and it is in this state of deep concentration when you become highly responsive to suggestion.
Much like the way television plays upon your need for food and to lose weight. Constantly repeating the theme of looking thin, being wealthy, popular and fit, drives their message into your subconscious while you are watching the television.

Proof of this effect can be seen when you sit in front of your television and start munching and are unaware, until later, how much you had eaten. This is a hypnotic state! Or what about sitting at a red light? So, when you are in a "trance" or deep concentration, you are unusually responsive to a suggestion or image.

How many times have you watched television and an ad for a hamburger? Don’t you start thinking about something to eat or become hungry? Or after watching an ad for a weight loss product, do you start to feel guilty for your weight? This combination of consumption of junk food and dieting creates guilt and, believe it or not, excess weight.

Hypnosis can help you create your own defense against this constant bombardment of television, newspaper and radio ads. By learning the technique of positive self-hypnosis, you may actually counter all of this negative feedback and start losing weight.

Children are very good candidates to hypnosis therapy. In one study, 83 percent of children significantly or completely recovered from obesity, asthma, anxiety, pain and habits like sleep walking, thumb sucking and nail biting.

Through the use of tapes, Lee Hubbard of Orange County, California, taught herself how to go into a hypnotic state whenever she feels like overeating. Now when she wants to overeat, she closes her eyes for a moment and pictures herself walking toward the food and as she is about to take some food, she instead pictures herself walking way.

Hubbard states, “It’s like a movie screen where you observe yourself in the situation. It lets you control the arena of your thought.”

Valerie Slaughter, a veteran marathoner herself, runs a beginner marathon website and is the author of "You Want to Do What!?" For articles, tips and more information about how to stay fit, healthy and lose weight, visit:

Apple Cider Vinegar Info

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Weight Loss Hypnosis

If you are struggling with weight loss hypnosis can provide the extra motivation to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, and enable you to escape the many food traps that get in the way of weight loss. Hypnosis is the perfect tool for re-educating your unconscious mind - the part that creates cravings and impulses - to give you back choice in what you eat. Permanent weight loss occurs with a change in lifestyle, not through unnatural diets that are impossible to maintain. Weight Loss Hypnosis can help you make those changes, quickly and more easily than you ever imagined possible.You can get 10 weight loss hypnosis downloads, plus Weight Loss Motivation free with our Weight Loss Hypnosis Program.

Think Thin -Weight loss begins in the mind. Use hypnosis to learn to think like a thin person making healthy food and lifestyle choices easy.

TV Junk Food -Many a weight loss program has been derailed by the dreaded TV munchies. Use hypnosis to break the association between TV and junk food snacks.

Enjoy Healthy Cooking -Boost your motivation to cook healthy food that fits with your weight loss goals. Avoid the hidden sugars, fats and additives in fast food and pre-prepared meals and improve your health as you lose weight.

Comfort Eating -Comfort eating means that foods high in simple carbohydrates such bread, cookies and cakes are often used as relaxants without your conscious mind ever being aware what is happening.

Banish Fast Food -We all know that as well as piling on the pounds, most fast food is bad for your health as well. No weight loss plan is going to succeed under the onslaught of calories from fast food, so this hypnosis session will help you beat fast food cravings for good.

Weight Loss Motivation -Keep yourself at 'first day of diet' levels of motivation to help the pounds fall away.
Click here for more about weight loss - Weight Loss Hypnosis

Apple Cider Vinegar Info

Monday, November 06, 2006

Weight Loss from Hypnosis?

To some, hypnosis might sound like an absurd notion, let alone weight loss from hypnosis! But I've found that there is solid evidence that you can achieve quick AND lasting weight loss from hypnosis. The results of my research appear at the end of this page.

What is hypnosis?

According to Contemporary Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing, hypnosis (or hypnotherapy) is:"the therapeutic use of suggestion during an altered state of consciousness to effect positive changes in a person's behavior and to treat a range of health conditions. It has been used ... to decrease pain, for weight control...and in trance-like states to access the deepest levels of the mind." (Kneisl et al, 2004).

A recent publication states that “Hypnosis is a way to access the untapped power of the mind and alter brain functions. In this state of intense relaxation and concentration, the mind is able to focus on positive suggestions which can be carried out at a future time. These subliminal messages are surprisingly powerful" (Warren, 2003).

At the 54th Annual Conference of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in November, 2003, Dr. David Spiegel, a Stanford University researcher, said that, although we don’t fully understand how it works, there is significant evidence that hypnosis can be effective in helping people reach into their own unconscious resources to solve problems normally beyond their ability.

So this shows that the scientific community believes that it is, indeed, possible to achieve weight loss from hypnosis.

The Research
In a meta-analysis (a comparison of multiple studies) showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly, increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).

In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).

The medical literature shows that hypnosis is effective for treating a wide range of conditions, such as snoring, chronic pain, and improving post-surgery outcomes.

When hypnosis sessions are added to various weight loss programs, the results are always more successful -- more than 146% better over the long term.

So hypnosis is a very effective tool that you should add to your weight loss toolkit!
Are you ready to achieve quick AND lasting weight loss? Go here to learn about the most effective hypnosis product for the task:

Weight Loss from Hypnosis?

Friday, November 03, 2006

How Weight Loss Hypnosis can Make this Your Last Diet, Forever

In a recent study conducted by researchers at Tufts University Medical Center, they put a group of adults on four different diet programs (Atkins, the Ornish low fat diet, The Zone, and Weight Watchers). They found that, on average, all subjects achieved modest weight loss from all diets. The biggest difference was that the people who lost weight adhered to their diet.
So the most important aspect of weight loss is not the diet itself, but being able to stick to the diet.

Most people encounter emotional barriers to weight loss. And no diet plan addresses these barriers. This is why the majority of diets fail.

Hypnosis provides a way to short-circuit the emotional barriers, and make it easier to stick to any diet (and exercise) program.

Hypnosis is simply a deep, focused state of relaxation in which the mind is open to suggestion. There is nothing "magical" or supernatural about hypnosis. However, many people have experienced very quick, effortless results--and this can seem magical, especially after many years of weight loss struggles.

You can achieve hypnosis by finding a qualified hypnotherapist, or by purchasing a hypnosis CD (or tape). The advantage to a hypnosis CD is that you can achieve the same results, but from the comfort of your own home. The cost for a hypnosis CD is also far less than paying the hypnotherapist's office fees.

If you choose to buy a hypnosis CD, I recommend that you listen to it with headphones in a comfortable spot, either a chair, couch, or even in bed. The hypnotherapist's voice will first guide you in relaxing, as relaxation is key to successful hypnosis. Then, the therapist will focus on achieving a particular goal, such as sticking to a healthy eating plan, specific diet, or exercise program. A session is typically about an hour long, and you may start to see changes in your behavior immediately.

Some people have seen weight loss results from hypnosis after just a week. But the most important result is lasting weight loss.

Hypnosis has become mainstream, and is now used in many hospitals and doctor's offices to treat a wide range of conditions and issues. Hypnosis has been the focus of research for decades, and its benefits are well-proven. Several studies have shown that adding hypnosis sessions to various weight loss programs increases weight loss success by over 146%. Those results are impressive.

If you are ready to try hypnosis for weight loss, decide whether you want to be treated individually by a hypnotherapist, or purchase a hypnosis CD for use in your own home. If you want to visit a hypnotherapist, look for one who has a great deal of experience in weight loss, and is doctorally prepared (a PhD). The same goes for a hypnosis CD--be sure it was created by a qualified person to ensure your success.

Are you ready to achieve lasting weight loss, finally? Learn about a very effective weight loss hypnosis product here:

How Weight Loss Hypnosis can Make this Your Last Diet, Forever

Thursday, November 02, 2006

How to Lose Weight with Hypnosis

Have you wondered how to lose weight with hypnosis?

Does it seem very voodoo-ish, with a smarmy hypnotist waving a watch back and forth in front of your face?

If so, you've been watching too many old movies!

Think of hypnosis as a new way to communicate with yourself, "thinking yourself thin," if you will.

If "thinking yourself thin" sounds like the latest scam, think again!

Our feelings determine our actions, even when those actions are irrational and self-destructive. Overeating is definitely irrational and self-destructive.

So think before you eat.
Ask yourself these questions...
1) Am I truly hungry?
2) Why do I want that food?
3) Will it really help me in the long run?
4) Why did that food craving pop into my head all of a sudden?

Think about how you feel after you overeat:- bloated- clothes fit tightly- stomach cramps- need to take upset stomach medications

Really feel each one of these conditions and experience how uncomfortable it is.
Don't forget the long-term consequences of being overweight, too:- diabetes- heart disease- strain on joints and muscles

to name a few.
Now, think of the pleasant results of skipping that desire to eat:- compliments from others- clothes that fit properly- opportunity to buy new clothes- feeling good physically without bloating or cramping
See how important thinking is?
First, think. Next, be a cheerleader!

Talk to yourself positively about the great decision you just made to pass on that unnecessary food.

"Good going! You didn't need that cupcake, and you truly didn't even want it, either!"
If you're in the habit of saying negative things to yourself, stop immediately!

Do you call yourself "stupid" or "dummy"? Those words hurt just as much coming from inside your head as it does when someone else says it.

Your subconscious processes those hurtful words and you physically feel the pain of insult.
You wouldn't call someone else a loser, so be kind to yourself!

Last, be a teacher. By stopping to think, you got in touch with your irrational desire for food. Then you praised yourself for not giving in. Now, learn from it.

"Remember, you get this desire for chocolate when you get into stressful situations."
When it comes down to it, this is how to lose weight with hypnosis--changing and training the thoughts that go on in our minds. Tapes, CDs, and MP3 files with messages as outlined above help you learn to think and talk to yourself, reinforcing the message your are trying to learn.
Hypnosis can be one of the least expensive ways to lose weight. No need to buy expensive packaged food.

Your mind controls your body, so train your mind first!
================================================Learn more about how to lose weight with hypnosis and get a free weight loss hypnosis MP3 file at Kathy's web site =>

How to Lose Weight with Hypnosis

Monday, October 30, 2006

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD: Listen to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD: Listen to Lose Weight

In the two decades between 1980 – 2000, the percentage of overweight and obese people has continued to rise. In Australia, for example, the prevalence of obesity increased from nine per cent to 17 per cent in men and eight per cent to 20 per cent (that’s one in five) in women.
According to a 2004 study, by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, in the United States alone, more than 64 per cent of adults older than 20 years, are overweight, and more than 30 per cent - that’s nearly one third - are obese.

Being over-weight generally stems from habitual eating habits. It’s basic physics, when you input more energy into your body than it needs, the excess is stored as fat. If you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. If you eat more calories than you burn, you put on weight. If you keep on feeding your body more energy than it burns, you will keep on putting on the excess energy as fat.
Exercise is the best way to burn calories.
Hypnosis will help you to shift your thinking so that you begin to automatically make better food choices and become more active. Weight loss hypnosis can help you adopt the right mental attitude towards shedding those pounds or kilos.

Hypnosis can encourage you to lose you taste for fatty ‘junk’ foods, to ensure that you ‘feel full’ soon after you start eating. It can train you to no longer have an appetite for fats and to ‘eat like a thin person’. Hypnosis can help you properly visualise yourself as you really want to be and can synchronise you conscious and subconscious to work as a team in helping you shed your excess weight.

You can be induced to actually crave healthy food, to speed up your metabolism and to enjoy daily exercise. Your subconscious can accept suggestions that make you lose your taste for salt and increase your desire to drink water, which is a fundamental requirement for better health.

Ross Storey is an experienced Public Relations & Marketing Consultant, Editor and Writer who has a life-long fascination with health, weight management - - and the human mind -

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hypnosis and Weight Loss - the New Frontier or A Parlor Game?

If you are like most people, the first thought you have when you hear the word hypnosis is that of a magician making someone bark like a dog.
The word “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek word hypnos, which means sleep, although hypnosis is not a state of sleep. Hypnosis is in no way a new practice. Stone carvings of sleep temples have been found dating back as far as 1000 B.C.
Hypnosis is nothing other than an altered state of consciousness in which a person is guided with suggestions. No, the hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. You must understand that all of hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The only way you can be hypnotized is if you are willing to be.
The hypnotherapist does not take control over you. You are in control at all times. When you’re in a hypnotic state, no matter how deep, and given a suggestion that would be against your will, morality or religious beliefs, you would do one of two things. You would either reject the suggestion and let it go or come completely out of the hypnotic state and challenge the hypnotherapist. The hypnotherapist cannot force you to do anything against your will. You must want to do it.
Hypnosis, in the 21st century, is more widely used by those in the healing professions, such as doctors, dentists, psychologists, chaplains, pastors and social workers.
Now, when it comes to weight loss, you know the drill - to lose weight eat less and exercise more. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. You have heard this a thousand times.
But is this what you really want to know? Of course not, your real question is "How do I actually make myself eat less and exercise more?"
By wanting to - sounds simple doesn't it. But did you know that if you have resistance from your subconscious mind you cannot control your conscious desires?
No matter how much will power you have or how much you really want to lose weight, if your subconscious mind is not on board, you will not be able to lose weight. Control your subconscious mind and you will lose that weight. By learning how to control our feelings, then you can control your behavior.
You see, when it comes to your preservation, protection or procreation, your subconscious mind may have its own ideas that don't support your conscious ideas. When this happens, you are unable to achieve your desired result, no matter how determined you may be.
Proof? Well, for one thing, you would not be overweight - you would just decide to loose weight and keep it off - right?
Now, how do you get your subconscious mind to change its thinking? How can we control our feelings and change our behavior? Self-hypnosis.
Remember, as stated above, the hypnotherapist cannot make you do something you do not want to do. With the correct application of self-hypnosis, you can take control of your weight where every other approach failed.
You see willpower, which is your attempt to consciously control your subconscious just will not work. By the use of self-hypnosis, you can change your subconscious mind, bring it into agreement with your conscious desires and achieve your weight loss goals easily - just as easily as it was to gain weight.
Once you take control of your attitudes and feelings, a whole new world opens to you. So many problems we experience in life are self-reinforcing cycles. Addictions (smoking, drinking), relationship problems (arguing, fighting), success and failure (procrastination, lack of confidence) and more are all behavioral responses buttressed by emotions and subconscious attitudes.
So, is hypnosis a parlor trick or a legitimate treatment? If you want to lose weight, stop smoking, etc., then hypnosis will work - if you don't it will not. A parlor trick? Only if you want it to be - you see, you are in control of your mind, hypnosis just helps you reach your subconscious mind to get it on the same page as your conscious. But only if you want it!
Hypnosis changes the subconscious mind, brings it into agreement with your conscious desires. Once you are subconsciously motivated to lose weight and keep it off, you will.
Control your mind and the world is your oyster!
Valerie Slaughter, a veteran marathoner herself, runs a beginner marathon website and is the author of "You Want to Do What!?" For articles, tips and more information about how to stay fit, healthy and lose weight, visit:

Hypnosis and Weight Loss - the New Frontier or A Parlor Game?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why Weight Loss Hypnosis Is So Effective

Why Weight Loss Hypnosis Is So Effective

While we are never happy with its presence on our hips, fat has earned its high place in the cuisines of the world due to its luxurious, satisfying taste, its richness, and its capacity to satisfy our appetite.
A great many chef's would never agree to cook without it, in fact, quite a few would consider butter and cream as the backbone of fine cuisine.
People know that the low fat diet, and a truly satisfying diet are not equals. Just consider the expression, “he eats like a king.”
Was the mental picture it produced of a rather dry-skinned, austere-looking fellow wearing a crown, and munching on a carrot? I doubt it! More like munching on a leg of mutton.
The scrumptious taste fat provides in our foods is probably the main reason more and more people tend to become overweight. Much like a young child, we tend to want to eat what we like, and not what we should.
With this in mind, many weight loss programs, and diet pills have been developed to help those people who are unhappy being overweight.
Among the many effective weight loss programs available in the market today, weight loss hypnosis ranks second only to a regular exercise program, and a balanced diet. Weight loss hypnosis has been considered as one of the most efficient weight loss programs ever created.
Experts say that one of the reasons why people become overweight is that they binge on food, have compulsive behaviors, and engage in emotional eating. Health professionals say that all of these things have something to do with what people think, and not just the way they eat.
The point is that people will sometimes act according to the personal opinions they form in their mind. Consequently, their actions are the result of whatever opinion they have. It's almost as if they are trying to justify what they are thinking based on what they will do next.
It is this type of thought processing that leads health experts to believe that weight loss hypnosis can be very effective. Clearing the mind of those opinions that have anything to do with compulsive eating, emotional eating, or binge eating, can be very beneficial in helping with weight loss.
Weight loss hypnosis, will allow you to control your body’s mechanism as well as it's psychological management. Experts say that through hypnosis, the mind gets a tremendous meditation of thought and awareness.
When people are hypnotized, their minds are open to the so-called "suggestions". These suggestions are actually concepts that are embedded straight into the thoughts of a person.
Experts also agree that if people were taught to control their thinking, it would be easier to achieve the desired results. Whatever the desired results are, they are best embedded in the individual’s mind during the hypnotic stage.
For example, if weight loss is desired, actions and concepts regarding losing weight must be instilled in an individual’s thoughts through weight loss hypnosis.
Weight loss hypnosis, allows experts to contend with certain behaviors that greatly affect, or influence “weight gain.” These would include binge eating, emotional eating, and compulsive eating. Recommendations on how to stop these weight-related behaviors are instilled in the mind through weight loss hypnosis.
Why is weight loss hypnosis even necessary? Simply because most people do not accept the reality that they are overweight, or because they are already hook with unmanageable weight-related behaviors.
For instance, a person who is extremely pressured with stress may tend to ease their stress by eating chocolates. Without knowing, or in any way being aware of it, they are already gaining excessive weight from all those fats and calories. If a person is unable to realize their emotional eating habits, they will continuously add to their weight problem.
With weight loss hypnosis, suggestions on how to stop this particular behavioral problem can be very helpful.
It is a fact, that an individual’s mind can greatly help control and manage weight gain. As long as the mind has been managed and programmed to stop certain weight-related behaviors, weight loss is easy to achieve.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics. To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
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