Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lose Weight Using Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is where a person enters a state of total relaxation where the body is relaxed and the mind is quieted. A person who is hypnotized experiences a relaxed state of focused concentration. If you were to view the brain wave activity of the mind while it was hypnotized you would see the activity similar to that of when you are about to enter sleep. During hypnosis the mind is open and receptive to suggestions. Being hypnotized is a very relaxing, refreshing and pleasant experience. Is Hypnosis Dangerous?

In a word the answer is no, hypnosis is save and very natural. You may not realize it but people go in and out of hypnosis naturally every day. If you are immersed in something such as watching a movie or deep in thought you could be in a hypnotic state. People enter hypnotic states several times a day and this usually occurs during periods of intense focus. Athletes often describe this as being in “the zone”. Hypnosis is not about mind control, it's about releasing repressed potential locked away inside of you. Hypnosis allows you to remove the blocks that keep you from accessing your unlimited potential and give you the opportunity to become all you were meant to be.

Why Am I Overweight?

Being overweight is not about eating the wrong kind of food or eating too much. Being overweight has a much deeper cause. Being over weight is an inner reflection of how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Often people who are over weight have deep inner fears and they use the weight to protect themselves. The excess weight represents a shell of protection from the outside wall. Unless you get to the root of your weight issue, all the diets, drugs or surgeries cannot help you. They may work in the short term but ultimately you will regain the weight. Your outside world is a reflection of what's going on inside. Hypnosis can help you to shatter those false ideas and fears that keep you chained to your excess pounds.

How Can Hypnosis Help Me To Lose Weight?

There are many different ways hypnosis can help people who are overweight. I will focus on hypnosis recordings because they are readily available, inexpensive and most importantly they can be listened to over and over again. Seeing a professional Hypnotherapist can be very helpful with the extremely difficult cases but most people can do just as well by using hypnosis recordings. Hypnosis recordings can focus on many different aspects of obesity. I have listed just some of the way hypnosis can help you to lose weight and create a healthy body.

-Hypnosis can revel and heal your inner turmoil that drives you to remain heavy. Sometimes we are aware of why we are overweight. We might have been abused as a child or perhaps we did not receive the love we required as we were growing up. What ever the cause hypnosis can bring that darkness into the light. Once reveled, it can be forever healed.

-Hypnosis can instill the determination, self-confidence, and fortitude you need too see you though those times of temptation and eliminate the weakness that has foiled your weight loss attempts in the past. Hypnosis will develop a deep belief that you can be successful, that you should be successful and that you will be successful.

-Hypnosis can create desire in your mind and taste buds to change the kinds of foods you desire. Hypnosis can be used to condition you so that you will be repulsed by unhealthy foods like chocolate and replace it with the desire to eat healthy foods. You will desire and deeply enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables and cool refreshing water. These new eating habits will support the healthy body you desire.

-Hypnosis can instill within you the desire and joy of exercise. You will crave good health and you will do what is necessary to take care of your body. You will look forward to exercise and you will feel good during and after you workout.

If you truly want to lose weight give hypnosis a try. Even if you have failed many times before hypnosis can give you the edge you need to succeed.

For additional articles and products on improving your health, wealth and relationships please go to Unlimited Destiny at hypnosis

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